An interview with Gianna Royall
Just last week I got a chance to interview a beautiful mommy to be. A dear friend of mine who’s journey to motherhood has been a pleasure to watch - Her name is Gianna, she’s 23 and newly married!
Here’s what we talked about
How far along are you ? “I’ll be 28 weeks today “
How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant ? “ when I first found out I was going through the emotions.. that particular day wasn’t going good for me & I was already going through a lot planning a wedding and just feeling overwhelmed & I was shocked it wasn’t in the plans at the time”
Who did you tell first? She told her fiancée & then told his mom.“I got excited once I told her”
What cravings do you have, if any? “Cereal (fruit loops which I don’t usually like) - all things salty & spicy sushi”
What’s your birth plan? “We want to have a water birth we have a midwife & a doula .. We are having her at his parents house .. my in laws”
Since you’re married to a twin did you think you could possibly have twins? “ I didn’t .. however my husband thought it could be twins”
What are you most looking forward to as a mom? “Since I know I’m having a girl definitely dressing her up, sleepovers & tea parties. I always wanted to be a mom so just the experience in general”
Are you going to breastfeed or formula?
“ breastfeeding is the plan”
When did you first feel like a mom? “ when I found out she was a girl .. before that I just was saying the baby, but now I can say my daughter”
I look forward to having on going mommy conversations with Gianna and other moms to continue to share the conversation with you!