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Growing Toddler

Watching my baby grow is such an amazing feeling. Everyday he is expanding his vocabulary and trying to form full sentences. It makes me...

Push through Mommy💙

As a mom there are moments when I feel like I don’t know how I am going to handle a fall out, a cry session or even bed time, however...

Child CARE

For the first 6 months of Krue’s life I was blessed to stay home with him. During that time, I decided to take a semester off from...

A Quote for moms

Speaking love into your child will help your child to put love out into the world. The things we speak and the way we speak to our...

Being a Mommy is my most rewarding responsibility!

Being a mommy is my favorite and most rewarding responsibility. I’ve learned that you have to hold onto and really enjoy the little...

MY Breastfeeding STRUGGLE

Breastfeeding, you have a choice! I have decided to share my experience with breastfeeding and the pressure that I believe comes with...

Restless Mommy

One of my areas I am currently struggling with as a mom is bed time; getting Krue to sleep consistently throughout the night is almost...

She believed she could, So she DID!

College was an experience of growth for me. Now that I’m done looking back I can see how much I’ve grown over the years. When I started...

MommyKRUE’s First interview

An interview with Gianna Royall Pregnancy/Motherhood Just last week I got a chance to interview a beautiful mommy to be. A dear friend of...


If you’re wondering how’s life been with a 3 year old it’s been amazing & hard two adjectives that don’t usually go together unless...

Pregnant Mommy

During my pregnancy, it was a challenge enjoying food like I use to; it was a struggle. In the beginning, I lost weight and for a while I...

Enjoy the Moments Mommy

Baby Krue is four months already and I can’t believe how fast time has gone by. My baby has already reach so many milestones and it is so...

Ready Set Go... MOMMY

Being a mom comes with a lot of improvising. This mom life moves at a fast pace and waits for no one. Even if you had everything planned...

Ask Mommy

One of the most frequently asked question I get is “how do I like being a mom ?” To answer that question... I love being a mom. Being a...

Mommy Goals

For these past two weeks I’ve been felling discouraged as a blogger. Although, I’m new to this I want to have a bigger following. I was...

Mommy Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal part of being and or becoming a mom. When I was pregnant I had very intense anxiety. I was nervous about becoming a...

Becoming Mommy

The love between a mother and child is something that is supposed to come natural; This natural process of love is supposed to occur...

Don't forget about Mommy

It is very important that you don't lose who you are in becoming a mom. Becoming a mom will bring about different priorities, other...

Quotes for Mommy

"Hey mommy! Did Anyone tell you that you're doing an amazing Job? I am here to tell you that you are" "Taking care of yourself is taking...

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Philadelphia, PA, USA

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